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发布时间:2020-11-26 12:28:14





答:根据相关规定,凡是开船前后七天都是可以正常办理产地证的,如果超过一个月再办理产地证,则产地证签证日期晚于开船日期则就会证书上会显示ISSUED RETROACTIVELY,一般都是不会影响清关的

 May I ask if our goods are sent by express and the bill of lading and/or ticket cannot be provided, can we apply for certificate of Chilean origin?

Answer: Yes, it is also possible to apply for the certificate of origin for the goods exported to Chile by express. You only need to fill in the tracking number and the place of dispatch clearly.

-- May I ask if it is possible to apply for the Certificate of Chilean origin after sailing for more than a week?

Answer: According to the relevant regulations, usually 7 days before and after the departure of the ship can normally apply for the certificate of origin, if more than a month to apply for the certificate of origin, the date of the visa of the certificate of origin later than the date of the departure of the ship will be displayed on the certificate

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