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发布时间:2020-12-01 17:45:51


How to apply for embassy certification? What are the procedures of embassy certification?

回答内容:使馆领事认证程序第一阶段 部分文件先经过中国国际商会和各地公证处的审核认证,商会和公证处审核商业资料上的印章或者签字,审核后并由国际商会和公证处出具证明书 或者公证书,并且证明书上有公证员的签字及国际商会和公证处的印章。第二阶段 将带有国际商会或者公证处公证员签字的文件,送至外交部领事司,由领事司对商会和公证处的印章及签字进行认证,并且外交部领事司授权人在认证的文件上签字。第三阶段文件由外交部领事司认证出后,送去各国大使馆或者领事馆认证,由各国使馆对外交部领事司的印章及签字的进行认证。(到此为之称为使馆双认证)。

First phase component content of the answer: the embassy consular certification program files through the China international chamber of commerce and local notarization audit certification, chamber of commerce and the public notary seal or signature on the audit business data, after the audit and certificate issued by the international chamber of commerce and the notarization or notarial deed, and have the signature of the notary public and the international chamber of commerce and the certificate of notarization of the seal. In the second stage, the document with the signature of a notary of the International Chamber of Commerce or the Notary office shall be sent to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which shall authenticate the seals and signatures of the chamber of Commerce and the notary office, and the authorized person of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall sign the authenticated documents. The third stage documents shall be authenticated by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sent to embassies or consulates for authentication. The foreign embassies shall authenticate the seals and signatures of the consular Department. (Here it is called dual embassy certification).


Go abroad study abroad to need notarization to add double attestation commonly. Deal with notarial certificate to send again ministry of foreign affairs or foreign affairs office undertakes attestation first, send embassy undertakes attestation next. Consular/dual certification can be done by oneself or by an agent agency.


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