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发布时间:2020-12-03 15:42:32




What is the difference between consulate certification and embassy certification? For example, the export of commercial documents in Beijing embassy, Shanghai consulate, Hong Kong consulate can do the same certification, the difference is that Beijing is the embassy, other areas just consulate. However, some countries only have embassies in Beijing, there is no consulate in other areas, because of the authority of the Beijing Embassy, so a lot of export enterprises business documents through the Beijing Embassy to do certification and sign. So common: embassy certification, consular certification, embassy signature, in fact, can be simply understood as the same meaning, but there is no special difference between the two different names.

使馆认证(领事认证)有很多国家都要办理,有很多国家都要求国内的文书拿到对方国家使用需要办理使馆认证,意大利只是这些国家当中的一个,当然不同国家办理使馆认证的收费,要求,时间都不一样,以下是办理意大利驻华领事认证的部分要求。意大利大使馆认证一般2-3周左右,按页收费,需意语译文,领区划分: 1)苏、浙、皖、沪地区出具的文书送驻上海总领馆认证; 2)粤、桂、琼、闽、湘、赣地区出具的文书送驻广州总领馆认证; 3)川、黔、滇、渝地区出具的文书送驻重庆总领馆认证。4), 其他要送北京大使馆。

The embassy certification (consular certification) have a lot of countries have to deal with, many countries require other countries using domestic documents to need to deal with the embassy certification, Italy is just one of these countries, of course, different countries deal with the embassy certification fees, requirements, time is different, the following was part of the deal with Italian consul authentication request. Italian embassy certification generally 2-3 weeks, charge per page, need Italian translation, area division: 1) Documents issued by The Soviet Union, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shanghai to the Consulate General in Shanghai authentication; 2) Documents issued by Guangdong, Guangxi, Qiong, Fujian, Hunan and Jiangxi shall be sent to the Consulate General in Guangzhou for authentication; 3) Documents issued by Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing regions shall be sent to the Consulate General in Chongqing for authentication. The rest should be taken to the Embassy in Beijing.


If you are the material of respect of individual civil study abroad is dealt with go abroad double attested, go to notary office to deal with the notarial certificate of foreign affairs first, deal with foreign ministry and embassy and consulate attested according to area delimit next can.


使馆认证(领事认证)有很多国家都要办理,有很多国家都要求国内的文书拿到对方国家使用需要办理使馆认证,意大利只是这些国家当中的一个,当然不同国家办理使馆认证的收费,要求,时间都不一样,以下是办理意大利驻华领事认证的部分要求。意大利大使馆认证一般2-3周左右,按页收费,需意语译文,领区划分: 1)苏、浙、皖、沪地区出具的文书送驻上海总领馆认证; 2)粤、桂、琼、闽、湘、赣地区出具的文书送驻广州总领馆认证; 3)川、黔、滇、渝地区出具的文书送驻重庆总领馆认证。4), 其他要送北京大使馆。



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