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发布时间:2020-12-03 18:12:41


大 使 馆 认 证


(1) Put an end to or strictly control the pre-borrowed and backdated bills of lading. Backdated or pre-borrowed bill of lading for foreign exchange settlement, damage the image of foreign trade enterprises and the reputation of foreign shipping companies, and may cause economic losses. At present, China's ports are crowded, the shipping date is not allowed to be an objective situation, export companies in signing, booking space, delivery of these factors should be fully taken into account. At the same time, we should strengthen the management of each link of contract performance, strengthen the cooperation with relevant departments, and try to obtain the cooperation of customers in advance if necessary.

如不得以“预借提单”时,则要注意防止发生实际装货船舶与“预借提单”的船名不相符合的情况,如因无舱位或货物迟延而改装了另一条船。一旦发生这种情况,则应采取紧急措施,果断追回全套单据,重新缮制,决不可有侥幸心态。因为,从法律责任看,出口方预借提单结汇已构成伪造装运日期,一旦另一方查明事实真相,违约方须承担一定法律责任。如出口方提供了装于甲船“已装船”的“清洁提单”,而货物却装上乙船,无需细查,即可证明出口商预借了提单,仅凭这一点,进口商就可据此拒付货款并提出索赔。而“倒签提单”属托运人和承运人合谋欺骗收货人的行为,因此受害方不仅可以追究卖方的责任,而且可以追究承运人的责任。这种行为的法律后果无论对卖方还是对承运人都是严重的。If "advance bill of lading" is not allowed, care should be taken to prevent the occurrence of the actual loading vessel and the "advance bill of lading" ship name does not conform to the case, such as due to no space or cargo delay to refit another ship. Once this happens, it should take emergency measures, decisive recovery of the full set of documents, re-drafting, never have a fluke mentality. As far as legal liability is concerned, the settlement of exchange by the exporter by borrowing the bill of lading in advance constitutes a forged date of shipment. Once the other party finds out the truth, the breaching party shall bear certain legal liability. If a clean Bill of lading is provided by the exporter "on board" on board vessel A and the goods are on board vessel B, it can be proved without further investigation that the exporter has borrowed the Bill of lading in advance. On this basis alone, the importer may refuse payment and lodge claims. But the "reverse signed bill of lading" is the shipper and the carrier conspire to deceive the consignee's behavior, therefore the injured party can not only pursue the seller's responsibility, but also can pursue the carrier's responsibility. The legal consequences of such an act are serious both to the seller and to the carrier.

  为预防发生倒签提单,出口商应对有关装期规定有一个准确的认识。例如:国外信用证时常有以下一些关于装运期的用语:(1)Latest:31,May,即最迟不晚于5月31日,包括5月31日;(2)Not Later Than May 31,不迟于5月31日,包括5月31日;(3)during first half of May,表示从5月1日至5月15日,包括起止日;(4)within May,即during May,从5月1日至5月31日,包括起止日;(5)at the end of May,从5月21日至5月31日,包括起止日;(6)On or Before May 31,表示5月31日之前,包括5月31日;(7)On or About May 31,表示5月31日前后5天内,即从5月26日至6月5日止。出口商应严格按信用证规定装运,从正当手段获得装船清洁提单,以维护良好的信誉。

To prevent the occurrence of backdated bills of lading, the exporter should have an accurate understanding of the stipulation of shipment date. Latest: 31 May Latest: not later than 31 May, including 31 May; Latest: not later than 31 May; Latest: not later than 31 May, including 31 May. (2)Not Later Than May 31, including May 31; (3)during the first half of May. (4)during the first half of May. (4)within May, during May, from 1 May solstice to 31 May, including from the beginning to the end; (5) from 21 May solstice to 31 May, including the beginning and the end of May; (6)On or Before May 31. (7)On or About May 31, for five days from May 26 solstice to June 5. Exporters should make shipment strictly in accordance with l/C stipulations and obtain clean bills of lading on board by proper means to maintain good credit.


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