当前位置: 首页 正本提单公司注册证书(COI)埃塞俄比亚使馆认证


发布时间:2020-12-03 18:31:53


大 使 馆 认 证---领 事 馆 认 证---贸 促 会 认 证---香 港 商 会 认 证---香 港 海 牙认 证--原 产 地 证 书→→


The original Bill of lading is a bill of lading signed and sealed by the carrier, master or his agent and marked with the date of issue. A set of bill of lading is usually "three originals and three duplicates" -- three originals and three duplicates. Any one of the originals can be used as a delivery document. Generally, a full set of original bills of lading will be circulated together.


After shipment, the shipper shall, in general, transfer the full set of original bill of lading to consignee through a bank (documentary letter of credit or collection of foreign exchange) (the bank will pay for the goods to the shipper as long as the shipper delivers the documents meeting the requirements of the Letter of credit to the bank; As long as the payment is made to the bank, the bank gives the full set of original bills of lading obtained from the consignor to the consignee, who may take delivery of the goods, or forward the goods directly to the consignee by international express (not by documentary credit or collection).

正本提单是海运提单(Ocean Bill of Loading,OBL)的一种,海运提单是指承运人(船公司)收到货物后出具的货物收据,也是托运人与承运人所签署的运输契约的证明,提单还代表所载货物的所有权,是一种具有物权性质的凭证。货物收据,运输契约证明和货物所有权凭证是海运提单的三大特点。

The original Bill of lading is a kind of Ocean Bill of lading (OBL). The Ocean Bill of lading refers to the receipt of goods issued by the carrier (shipping company) after receiving the goods, which is also the proof of the contract of transport signed by the shipper and the carrier. The Bill of lading also represents the ownership of the goods carried, and is a document with the nature of property right. Receipt of goods, certificate of contract of carriage and certificate of title to goods are the three main features of ocean bill of lading.


The so-called document of title refers to the person who holds the bill of lading will have the ownership of the goods, the carrier "acknowledgement does not acknowledge" - who has the bill of lading, the goods will be delivered to whom; Whoever owns the bill of lading has the right to possess and dispose of the goods; In other words, a bill of lading represents the goods on which it is written. Because of this, bills of lading can be circulated and transferred under certain conditions.


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