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CE认证印尼大使馆认证(银行资信证明Bank letter)

发布时间:2020-12-03 19:48:57

CE认证印尼大使馆认证(银行资信证明Bank letter)

大 使 馆 认 证---领 事 馆 认 证---贸 促 会 认 证---香 港 商 会 认 证---香 港 海 牙认 证--原 产 地 证 书→→

  1. 什么是CE认证?




1. What is CE certification?

Introduction to EU CE certification

CE certification is the "main requirement" that constitutes the core of the European Directive, and it has a specific meaning in the Ec resolution of 7 May 1985 (85/C136/01) on "New Methods of Technical Coordination and Standards" for the purpose of formulating and implementing the directive

To the extent that the product does not endanger the safety of humans, animals and goods, rather than the general quality requirements, the coordination directive specifies only the main requirements, and the general directive requirements are standard tasks.



2. What does the letter CE mean?

The "CE" mark in the EU market is a mandatory certification mark. If the products produced by enterprises within the EU or those produced by other countries want to circulate freely in the EU market, the "CE" mark must be affixed to show that the products comply with the basic requirements of the EU Directive on New Methods of Technical Coordination and Standardization. This is a mandatory requirement for products under EU law.


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