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发布时间:2020-12-04 12:58:03


大 使 馆 认 证---领 事 馆 认 证---贸 促 会 认 证---香 港 商 会 认 证---香 港 海 牙认 证--原 产 地 证 书→→→


欧盟授权代表(European Authorised Representative 或European Authorized Representative)是指由位于欧洲经济区EEA(包括EU与EFTA)境外的制造商明确指定的一个自然人或法人。该自然人或法人可代表EEA境外的制造商履行欧盟相关的指令和法律对该制造商所要求的特定的职责。

A European Authorised Representative is a natural or legal person Authorised by a manufacturer which has a very narrow view of the European Economic Area (EEA), including EU and EFTA. The natural person or legal person may, on behalf of a manufacturer outside the EEA, perform the specific duties required of the manufacturer by the relevant EU directives and laws.

-- 新方法指令要求欧盟授权代表必须位于欧洲经济区境内并且具有商业注册地址;

The new approach directive requires that an authorized representative of the EU must be located within the EeA and have a registered business address;

-- EEA成员国的主管机关可以随时找上欧盟授权代表核查境外的制造商是否履行了欧盟相关的指令和法律所要求的职责;

The competent authorities of the EEA member states may at any time have access to an authorized representative of the EU to verify that the manufacturers outside the EEA are fulfilling their duties as required by relevant EU directives and laws;

-- 制造商的一般商务代表(例如授权经销商),不论是否位于欧洲经济区境内,都不应该与的欧盟授权代表混淆;

- General commercial representatives of manufacturers (e.g. authorised distributors), whether or not located within the EEA, should not be confused with authorised representatives of the EU;


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