How much does exporter register form attestation, what data should submit
回答内容:您好,如果是在上海领事馆做认证话,办理时间大概12来天,费用1000左右,这个"出口商登记表"有固定格式,企业只要填写好内容,打印出来盖章签字即可。出口商登记表认证需要的资料:If you do the certification at the Shanghai Consulate, it will take about 12 days and cost about 1000 yuan. This "exporter registration form" has a fixed format, and the enterprise only needs to fill in the content, print it out, stamp it and sign it. Information required for exporter registration Form certification:
A copy of the business license of the enterprise 3. A copy of the record registration form of foreign trade exporters. 4. An application form, etc