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CE 认证GMPC证书ISO证书TUV证书泰国领事馆盖章

发布时间:2020-12-09 16:56:17

CE 认证GMPC证书ISO证书TUV证书泰国领事馆盖章


关于 CE 认证

欧洲是世界上最大的贸易市场,1/3世界贸易额。  目前在同一市场规则下的有27个国家。 CE标记涉及欧洲市场80%工业和消费品, 70%欧盟进口产品。 如果产品上没有,将被认为是违法行为。

About CE certification

Europe is the world's largest trading market, with one third of world trade. There are currently 27 countries under the same market rules. The CE mark covers 80% of the European market for industrial and consumer goods and 70% of imports from the EU. If it is not on the product, it will be considered illegal.

“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照。CE代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)。凡是贴有“CE”标志的产品就可在欧盟各成员国内销售,无须符合每个成员国的要求,从而实现了商品在欧盟成员国范围内的自由流通。

The "CE" mark is a security certification mark and is seen as the manufacturer's passport to open and enter the European market. CE stands for European unity. All products with the "CE" mark can be sold in the eu member states without meeting the requirements of each member state, thus realizing the free circulation of goods within the EU member states.

2.CE 认证涉及的产品


2. Products involved in CE certification

CE certification involves most industrial products and consumer goods such as machinery, electronics, medical devices, pressure vessels, building materials, toys, etc. According to the different types of products, the EU has formulated dozens of directives. During the certification process, the eu determines which or which directives are applicable according to the specific products.

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