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发布时间:2020-12-09 17:27:06




产地证(Certificate of Origin),是证明特定进出口货物的原产国/地区的一种证书,即证明一批货物原产于某国家或地区,或在某国家或地区制造。其主要作用是申请进口国关税减免(优惠原产地证的主要用途)和便于进口国进行特定贸易管制(非优惠原产地证的主要用途)。Certificate of Origin is a kind of Certificate to prove the country/region of Origin of a particular import and export goods, that is, a batch of goods were originated or manufactured in a certain country or region. Its main role is to apply for tariff reduction of importing countries (the main use of preferential CERTIFICATE of Origin) and facilitate importing countries to carry out specific trade controls (the main use of non-preferential certificate of Origin).


Certificates of origin issued by China for export goods mainly fall into three categories: 1) Non-preferential certificate of origin, 2) preferential certificate of origin, and 3) special certificate of origin. The authorities authorized by the state to issue CERTIFICATES of origin are Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Other authorities have no right to issue certificates of origin. The Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau may issue certificates of origin of all kinds -- mainly preferential certificates of origin; Ccpit mainly issues non-preferential general certificates of origin. If there is no special requirement from the foreign party, the certificate issued by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau or CCPIT is ok.


在国际贸易中,产地证有很重要的作用。有时,没有产地证就没法清关,它是海关征收关税的重要凭证,优惠原产地证可以享受特定的关税减免待遇。出口国签发的原产地证书对进口国的作用主要有:1)确定税率待遇的主要依据(是否给予特定优惠待遇),2)进行贸易统计的重要依据(进口货物来源国/地区统计), 3)实施进口数量控制、反倾销、反补贴等外贸管制措施的依据(根据原产地确定适用哪些外贸管制措施), 4)控制从特定国家进口货物,确定准予放行与否的依据(根据货物的“国籍”身份进行特定管制), 5)证明商品内在品质或结汇的依据。

Certificate of origin plays a very important role in international trade. Sometimes, there is no way to clear customs without a certificate of origin, which is an important document for customs to collect customs duties. A preferential certificate of origin can enjoy specific tariff reduction or exemption treatment. Certificate of origin issued by the exporter on the importer role mainly include: 1) the main basis to determine the tax treatment (whether to give special preferential treatment), 2) the important basis of trade statistics for source countries/regions (import statistics), 3) the implementation of import quantity control, the basis of foreign trade control measures such as anti-dumping, countervailing (which will be confirmed according to the origin of the foreign trade controls), 4) control of goods imported from specific countries, make sure to release or not based on (according to the "nationality" identity for specific controls), 5) to prove that goods quality or the basis of the settlement of exchange.



1)非优惠原产地证书俗称一般原产地证书或普通原产地证书,英文名称为Certificate of origin,简称C/O或CO。签发这种证书的,通常出口到是中东、非洲、东南亚、中南美洲等地的国家。

2)优惠原产地证书包括绝大多数发达国家给予我国的普惠制待遇(FORM A证书),以及中国与一些国家或地区签订有双边或多变优惠贸易协定的(FORM B证书,FORM E证书,FORM F证书,FORM P证书,FORM N证书,FORM X证书等)。优惠原产地证书一般由各地出入境检验检疫机构签发。

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