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发布时间:2020-12-09 17:50:21



外贸单据中O/B 是什么意思? O/B 是on behalf of的简称。意思是on the part of,“代表xxx”或as the agent of,“作为xxx的代理”。 

外贸单据中VIA 是什么意思? “via”表示“通过、经由、借助等”。

What is the meaning of O/B in foreign trade documents? O/B is short for "on of". It means on the part of XXX or as the agent of XXX.

What does VIA mean in foreign trade documents? Via means by, by, by, with, etc.

O/B 和VIA在实际中虽然经常通用,不做区分。

O/B and VIA are not distinguished in practice, although they are often used in common.

但是两者是有区别的。on behalf of表明了双方的委托代理关系,即双方存在的法律关系,而via则没有此种含义。

But there is a difference. On of implies a principal-agent relationship between the parties, a legal relationship that exists between the parties, and VIA does not.

产地证上到底应该用O/B还是VIA? 在实际中,两个都在用,一般不做区分。有的代理用O/B,有的代理用VIA,产地证的签发机构(一般是CIQ——商检局)也不去管这个事情。 有人说,严格来说,即从法律意义上来看,是不能用“on behalf of”的。这个分析过程有点复杂,这里不多说。我的看法是最好用VIA。

Should we use O/B or VIA on the certificate of Origin? In practice, both are used and are generally not distinguished. Some agents use O/B and some use VIA. The issuing agency of certificate of Origin (usually CIQ - Commodity Inspection Bureau) also doesn't care about this matter. Some people say that technically speaking, "on behalf of" is not acceptable. The analysis is a little complicated, but I won't go into it. In my opinion, it's better to use VIA.

双抬头是什么意思? 双抬头就是有两个抬头。在国际贸易中很常见。例如做产地证,一般都是找代理公司去做。这时,产地证上第一栏Exporter's name就要显示双抬头,即“代理公司的抬头+VIA或O/B+客户提供的抬头”,这就是双抬头了。 在报关中也有可能出现双抬头。即经营单位和发货单位不是同一个公司。大多数情况下,经营单位和发货单位都是一致的。但是在外贸代理或代理出口退税时,经常会出现经营单位是外贸公司或进出口公司,而发货单位是实际的供应商或工厂。

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