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发布时间:2020-12-09 18:05:41


商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)是出口方向进口方开列发货价目清单,是买卖双方记账的依据,也是进出口报关交税的总说明。

COMMERCIAL INVOICE is the list of shipping prices made by the exporter to the importer, the basis on which the buyer and the seller keep accounts, and the general description of import and export declaration and tax payment.


Commercial invoice is a comprehensive reflection of the business, including the name of the commodity, specifications, price, quantity, amount, packing and so on, at the same time also is indispensable to importers handle import customs clearance documents, commercial invoice is the core of the full set of export documents, therefore, in the process of documents making, all needs to refer to commercial invoice made out the rest of the documents.

形式发票(PROFORMA INVOICE)是一种非正式发票,是卖方对潜在的买方报价的一种形式。买方常常需要形式发票,以作为申请进口和批准外汇之用。

A PROFORMA INVOICE is an informal INVOICE that is a form of a seller's offer to a potential buyer. Buyers often need proforma invoices for import applications and foreign exchange approvals.


Proforma invoices are also called predictive invoices. The Seller hereby notifies the Buyer in advance of the approximate form and content of the commercial invoice to be issued to the Buyer by the Seller if a certain quantity is to be concluded in the future. It is a trial freight list. An exporter sometimes, at the request of the importer, issues an informal reference invoice with the name, specification, unit price of the goods to be sold for the importer to apply for an import licence or grant of foreign exchange from the trade administration or foreign exchange administration of his home country. This invoice is called a proforma invoice. Proforma invoice is not a formal invoice, which cannot be used for collection and negotiation. The unit price listed in it is only an estimate made by the importer according to the current situation, and it has no final binding force on both parties. Therefore, proforma invoice is only a form of valuation, and commercial invoice has to be prepared again after formal transaction.



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