当前位置: 首页 伊朗产地证、发票驻华使馆认证(anhui)


发布时间:2020-12-10 10:48:01


贸促会认证(当天出单) 贸促会认证 领事馆加签,外交部盖章,大使馆认证代理;3-5天拿正本-;CO,CI,授权书等各类文件认证;


It usually takes about 15 working days for the Iranian Embassy in China to certify. Different consulates charge different fees for different materials. Some materials are charged according to the invoice amount.

1、需1份复印件。 2、产地证、发票、健康证(如有)须一起认证,并按发票金额收费。 3、苏、浙、沪、皖地区出具的文书送驻上海总领馆认证。 4、香港地区出具的文书送驻香港总领馆认证。 5、所有商业发票类文书中必须注明买卖双方公司信息,包括公司名称地址、联系电话及手机、传真;伊朗到货港口信息;货物名称、重量、运输方式、金额(美元、欧元)、原产地等信息。 6、动植物检验检疫证明按发票金额收费。 7、申办健康证认证需同时认证商业发票

1. One copy is required.

 2. Certificate of origin, invoice and health certificate (if any) shall be certified together and charged according to the invoice value.

 3. Documents issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces should be sent to the Consulate General in Shanghai for authentication. 

4. Documents issued in Hong Kong should be sent to the Consulate General in Hong Kong for authentication.

 5. All commercial invoice documents must indicate the company information of the buyer and the seller, including the company name and address, contact phone number, mobile phone and fax; Information on ports of arrival in Iran; Goods name, weight, mode of transportation, amount (USD, EUR), country of origin, etc. 

6. The animal and plant inspection and quarantine certificate shall be charged according to the invoice value. 

7. To apply for health certificate certification, commercial invoice shall be certified at the same time


咨询热线:134-1874-5414 公司邮箱:505857069@qq.com