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发布时间:2020-12-10 10:46:00


贸促会认证(当天出单) 贸促会认证 领事馆加签,外交部盖章,大使馆认证代理;3-5天拿正本-;CO,CI,授权书等各类文件认证



Experience tells us that it is the most time saving and economic benefit to carry out EMC design at the same time of functional design and pass EMC test when the sample and prototype are completed. On the contrary, EMC is not taken into account in the product development stage, and improvement is made only after the production of EMC is found to be unqualified. Not only is it technically difficult, but rework will inevitably lead to a great waste of cost and time, and even the product cannot be marketed due to the defects related to structural design and PCB design, so improvement measures cannot be implemented.

规律一、EMC费效比关系规律: EMC问题越早考虑、越早解决,费用越小、效果越好。


1. Law of EMC cost-effectiveness ratio: The earlier an EMC problem is considered and solved, the lower the cost and the better the effect.

Conducting EMC design in the development stage of new products can greatly save costs and improve efficiency, compared with waiting for product EMC test unqualified. On the contrary, the efficiency will be greatly reduced and the cost will be greatly increased.

规律二、高频电流环路面积S越大, EMI辐射越严重。


Rule 2. The larger the area of high-frequency current loop S is, the more serious the EMI radiation will be.

High frequency signal current flows through the minimum path of inductance. When the frequency is high, the reactance of the line is generally greater than the resistance, and the connection to the high frequency signal is the inductance, and the series inductance causes the radiation. Most of the electromagnetic radiation is generated by high-frequency current loops on the EUT equipment under test, the worst of which is the open-circuit antenna form. The corresponding treatment method is to reduce or shorten the connection, reduce the area of high-frequency current loop, as far as possible to eliminate any abnormal work needs of the antenna, such as discontinuous wiring or antenna effect of the components too long pins. One of the most important tasks to reduce radiation disturbance or improve the anti-interference ability of rf radiation is to find ways to reduce the area of high-frequency current loop S.



Rule 3: The higher the loop current frequency F is, the more serious the EMI radiation will be. The electromagnetic radiation field intensity increases in direct proportion to the square of current frequency F.

Two of the most important ways to reduce radiation disturbance or improve the anti-interference ability of rf radiation is to try every means to reduce the high-frequency current frequency f of the disturbance source, that is, to reduce the frequency of the disturbance electromagnetic wave.

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