The certificate of Free Sale certified by CCPIT, also known as the Certificate of Free sale certified by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, also known as the Certificate of Free sale certified by Chamber of Commerce, also known as the Certificate of Free Sale certified by CCPIT.
自由销售证明书贸促会认证主要适用于南美洲地区和国家(玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、委内瑞拉,阿根廷、巴西、乌拉圭、巴拉圭、智利、圭亚那、苏里南)等用于对货物的清关和产品的登记;其次也是南美洲地区和国家为了防止购买到一些伪劣假冒、以次充好的产品,因此一律要求出口商在货物出口时需要按其国家所规定的要求提供一份自由销售证明书来证明该批货物的生产及销售都是已取得合法生产手续,并允许这些产品可以在本土和国外进行自由销售的证明文件。Ccpit certification is mainly applicable to the customs clearance of goods and the registration of products in South America regions and countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Guyana, Suriname); Second is also South America and some countries in order to prevent buy fake fake and shoddy products, so all requires exporters in exports of goods need to press its claim to the provisions of the state to provide a copy of the certificate of free sale to prove that the goods production and sales are already obtained legal procedures, and allows these products can be free sale in domestic and foreign documents.