大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证-- 香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明--@ 我
The concept of consular authentication
领事认证(LEGALIZATION BY EMBASSY OR CONSULATE),又称“使领馆认证”。从广义上来说,领事认证是指由外交、领事机构证明申请人所提交的文件上最后一个签字或印章属实,从而使该文件具有境处使用的法律效力。
LEGALIZATION BY EMBASSY OR CONSULATE - accreditation is also known as "CONSULATE Accreditation". In a broad sense, consular certification means that the diplomatic and consular agencies certify that the last signature or seal on the document submitted by the applicant is true, so that the document has the legal effect for use at the border.