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发布时间:2022-02-15 15:07:49

NFT链游系统设计开发,NFT链游系统开发!As a true record of urban construction,urban construction archives are the information support and basis in urban construction,management and operation.They not only record the past and present of a city,but also the embodiment of urban culture.


1.The archives management awareness of the urban construction archives forming unit is not strong.During the formation of urban construction archives,some construction units are used to"emphasizing construction and neglecting archives",focusing on physical buildings and paying no attention to archives work.The transfer of archives by construction units is only for the needs of completion filing and handling property right certificate.Therefore,the low quality of the collected archives is a common problem,which restricts the smooth development of the management work of the urban construction archives management department.

2.The aging of urban construction archives management personnel is serious.Due to the marginalization of urban construction archives management itself and the monotonous and trivial work content,young people are not invited to like it.At present,many of the staff engaged in urban construction archives management are transferred from other departments.They are too old and do not study archives.They lack systematic professional theoretical knowledge and practical experience in archives management;Some can't even skillfully operate computers and new network technologies.Therefore,although their work initiative is also very high,their management ability can not keep up with the new situation,which reduces the efficiency of urban construction archives management.

3.The informatization construction of urban construction archives has lagged behind for a long time.For a long time,because the government does not realize the importance of archives informatization in the development of urban construction archives,the financial investment in urban construction archives is insufficient.This has resulted in the lack of application software and equipment foundation in the process of urban construction archives informatization,and the technology has lagged behind other archives colleagues for a long time.The newly received,kept and managed archives cannot be received in real time.The so-called electronic archives are actually the synchronous electronization of paper archives.Therefore,this is not to carry out the informatization of urban construction archives in the real sense,and still hasn't kept up with the development of urbanization.

4.The utilization service efficiency of urban construction archives is low.At present,the urban construction archives utilization service still maintains the traditional mode,that is,the inquirer brings relevant certificates and materials to the file search window,logs in and searches manually after being confirmed by the staff,and then prints the files to be queried page by page.This"closed"service process has long waiting time and low utilization efficiency,which can not meet the diversified needs of social organizations and the public for urban construction archives in the new era.

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