自由销售证书是由那些部门出具的?贸促会/行业协会一、 什么是自由销售证书(出口销售证明书):
By which department is the certificate of free sale issued? 1, What is the free Sale certificate (export sales Certificate) :
自由销售证书也叫出口销售证明书 英文名称为:Free Sales Certificate、Certificate of Free Sale或者Certificate For Exportation of Medical Products;简称:FSC 或 CFS。
Free sale certificate refers to the document issued by the competent authority of the EU countries proving that products can be freely sold in a specific region. It is the most authoritative free trade certificate in the world
, have been widely recognized in the Middle East, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, usually need countries including Egypt, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, India,
Nigeria, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and so on. Many countries are mandatory registration when an essential certificate.