需要出具欧盟自由销售证,唯一被欧盟指令授权并有资格的机构应该为EEA成员国的对医疗器械的主管机关Competent Authorities (CAs),多为官方机构 (比向阿根廷出口的自由销售证明),而不应该由民间的制造商协会出具。
The only Competent Authorities (CAs) for medical devices in EEA member states that are authorized and qualified by the EU directive should be issued by the Competent Authorities (CAs) for medical devices in EEA member states, and should not be issued by private manufacturers associations.
With the CE mark and the EU registration required in the relevant directive, Chinese manufacturers do not need a licence to export to the EU
Products are sold in EU, as long as there is CE certificate. However, when you register in many non-EU countries with CE certificate, many countries will require you to provide free sales certificate issued by the EU government.
Some importing countries also require producers to provide notarized free sales certificates or Hague certification. It is necessary for the manufacturer to communicate with the government agencies of the importing country about the specific countries' special requirements for documents.