最近要去越南,商务签证和护照都办好了,但是 毕业证和无犯罪记录证明 的双认证正在认证中,大概还需要半个月,所以我想问下,我是否可以凭签证先过去,等双认证下来了,再让家人邮寄给我
I will go to Vietnam recently, business visa and passport have been completed, but the certification of graduation certificate and certificate of no criminal record is being verified, and it will take about half a month. Therefore, I would like to ask whether I can go there with my visa first, and ask my family to mail it to me after the certification is completed
Answer content: you first want to make clear, these two certifications are used for what. A lot of time double attetion is to deal with visa to use, but your visa has come down, this thing has indifferent.... Anyway, you need to find out where it is and what it's for.
Answer content: you first want to make clear, these two certifications are used for what. A lot of time double attetion is to deal with visa to use, but your visa has come down, this thing has indifferent.... Anyway, you need to find out where it is and what it's for.