大使馆认证的地点是(北京 广州 重庆 深圳 上海)等地方领事!
Vietnam does not have crime double attestation is in this province foreign affairs office double attestation or Beijing?
你好我想请问 西班牙无犯罪证明双认证是要在本省的外事办双认证还是去北京的使馆双认证
Hello, I would like to ask whether the double certification of non-criminal certificate in Spain should be in the foreign affairs office of this province or in the embassy in Beijing
The notarial certificate issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui and Jiangxi shall be sent to the foreign Affairs Office of this province for approval, and then be authenticated by the Consulate General in Shanghai, Spain. Notarial certificates issued by Fujian, Guangdong, Qiong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Hunan shall be sent to the foreign Affairs Office of the province for approval, and then to the Consulate General in Guangzhou, Spain for double certification; The notarial certificates issued by all the remaining regions shall be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing for single approval (which can be sent by the provincial Foreign Affairs Office on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or directly through the agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing), and then sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Spanish Embassy in China for double certification. Beijing is dealt with, if urgent, 8 working days or so.