大使馆认证的地点是(北京 广州 重庆 深圳 上海)等地方领事!
Does marriage certificate Shanghai consulate give attestation
大使馆的结婚证书上海会给认证吗?我跟老公是在中国驻巴黎大使馆拍的结婚照 我现在在意大利想办申请 要在意大利驻上海领馆认证 他们会给认证吗??
Can the marriage certificate of embassy Shanghai give attestation? I with my husband is in The Chinese embassy in Paris to take the wedding photos I am in Italy now want to do an application to be in Italy in Shanghai consulate certification they can give certification?
Answer content: 1, if is the domestic conduction marriage certificate, can be in domestic notarization and deal with the embassy certification, if you want to Shanghai consulate in Italy to handle authentication, need is to jiangsu, zhejiang, anhui and Shanghai the four provinces of notarization, the Shanghai consulate will not accept, 2, and if it is a marriage certificate, issued by the foreign is not can be notarized in China, also can't handle in domestic embassy certification, Specific you can also consult the Italian consulate general of Shanghai.