The certification of the United Arab Emirates Embassy in China generally takes about 2 weeks. Fees for different documents are different. Invoices are charged according to the invoice amount.
1、发票需1份复印件。 2、发票须与产地证一起认证,发票按金额收费。 3、出口肉类时,需同时认证下列四类文书:发票、产地证、商检证、屠宰证。 4、所有委托类公证书(民事和商业)。 5、在办理部分种类货物出口所需文书的认证时,除认证产地证和发票外,还需同时认证装箱单和(或)商检证。因阿各海关对有关货物的要求不尽相同,请申办人员在申办认证前,向货物接收地海关咨询有关对文书的详细要求。上述文书应同批一起认证,否则需重新办理所有文书的认证。1. One copy of invoice is required. 2. The invoice shall be certified together with the certificate of origin, and the invoice shall be charged according to the amount. 3. When exporting meat, the following four documents shall be certified at the same time: invoice, certificate of origin, commodity inspection certificate and slaughter certificate. 4. All entrusted notaries (civil and commercial). 5. Besides certificate of origin and invoice, packing list and/or commodity inspection certificate shall be certified at the same time when handling the certification of documents required for the export of some kinds of goods. As Afghan customs requirements on the relevant goods are not the same, please apply for certification before the applicant to the customs where the goods are received to consult the detailed requirements on the documents. The above instruments shall be certified together with the batch, otherwise all instruments shall be re-certified.