协议书越南使馆加签(in beijing)
大使馆认证的地点是(北京 广州 重庆 深圳 上海)等地方领事!
Domestic companies generally to Vietnam investment company or the opening of a branch office, the Vietnamese party usually give a list of files, and have a pledge, corporate resolution of shareholders, account opening application form, and so on data, including: a copy of the business license of the company and domestic translation needs to be in Vietnam embassy consul authentication, how to deal with this certification? How long will it take? Where does the Vietnamese embassy certification of business license go? The following is the general process of Vietnam consular certification, for enterprise reference only! If you need Vietnamese consul certification, you can contact our customer service.
Vietnam investment for business license embassy certification
Business license, export sales certificate, (or free sales certificate), authorization letter is the Vietnamese Embassy in China for consular certification of several business documents more frequently, we will help enterprises almost every day to do the embassy certification business of these materials, first to explain, what is the embassy certification? Embassy certification standard is called consular certification, commonly known as double certification, embassy certification. Consular certification refers to the activity in which the consular certification body, upon the application of a natural person, legal person or other organization, confirms the authenticity of the last seal or signature on a domestic notarial certificate or other certification document or relevant foreign document. The purpose of consular certification is to enable the documents issued by one country to be recognized within the territory of other countries without affecting the legal effect outside the country because of doubts about the authenticity of the seals and signatures on the documents.