发布时间:2021-11-09 22:28:05


价格  ¥477.00起



大使馆认证的地点是(北京 广州 重庆 深圳  上海)等地方领事!



In the activity of import and export of foreign trade, often foreign customers ask to deal with agent agreement (or exclusive agent agreement, or contract) China embassy attefications. What does embassy certification (consular dual certification) mean? Where can I go? How to do it? What are the fees? How long will it take? The goods will soon arrive at the port, the customer is in urgent need of customs clearance, and the bank needs to settle foreign exchange. It is the first time that we meet the requirement of consular certification, but we still don't know anything and can't touch the door. It is really a very unpleasant thing! Today, we will briefly introduce the specific process of signing the agency agreement by the Embassy of Kuwait for customers' simple reference. If you need to certify the export documents by the embassies and consulates of various countries,


Different countries embassy certification requirements of the language may be different, the processing time and cost are not the same, some countries need English, Russian, Spanish, etc., customers need to prepare the original documents of the agency agreement according to the specific language, such as Kuwait, is required in English, the processing cycle is about 2 weeks. The customer only needs to prepare the English version of the agency agreement, seal and sign, and a copy of the business license, application form and other materials, can handle

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