发布时间:2021-11-18 17:18:52


价格  ¥2037.00起





Li pointed out that the EAS should always stick to its own orientation, keep regional cooperation in the right direction, and promote political and security cooperation with economic and social development in a balanced way.

Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is a basic norm governing international relations and an important guiding principle of the East Asia Summit. All parties should respect each other, work together, increase input in fighting COVID-19 and recovery, uphold regional peace and stability, and promote development and prosperity. To this end, China proposes the following:

First, join hands to fight the epidemic. China will scale up vaccine and other anti-epidemic supplies to the best of its ability according to the needs of relevant countries. We will accelerate the China-Asean Public Health Cooperation Initiative to enhance regional public health capacity.

Second, we need to promote all-round economic recovery. We will uphold free and fair trade and ensure unimpeded international logistics. We will step up efforts to push for the early entry into force and implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

China has formally applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which will further enhance its commitment to opening-up. We will support the efforts of countries in the region to revive tourism.

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