发布时间:2021-11-22 21:08:47


价格  ¥1966.00起




出单的地点是:上海 北京  广州 


On the one hand, the provincial people's government shall organize the assessment of the provincial development zones within the jurisdiction according to the assessment indicators, and select the top provincial development zones with good economic foundation, great growth potential and complete development plans to submit the application for upgrading to The State Council. On the other hand, according to the assessment and evaluation method, MoFCOM shall organize the national centralized assessment ranking of provincial development zones recommended by all provinces, put forward a list of suggestions for upgrading, and initiate the procedures for upgrading together with relevant departments.

In withdrawing respect, increase demotion intensity, aggrandizement force mechanism. A is twice to enter the region for three consecutive years (in eastern, central and western regions) divided into national level have been incorporated into the relegation zone last five shortlist, the Ministry of Commerce according to the two evaluation scores points average regional research downgraded advice list, withdraw from the national development zone sequence after the approval of the State Council;

Second, within two years from the announcement of the decision to withdraw from the national economic development zone sequence, the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall not recommend the upgrading of provincial development zones in principle; Third, the development zones that have been withdrawn from the national level and have undergone the sequence of open zones apply for upgrading again after rectification, and the same requirements and procedures shall be implemented with other provincial development zones for new upgrading.

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