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发布时间:2020-09-03 10:12:47




  1. 一套提单(一式三份),出现三个出单日期。

  2. 一套提单只有一份有签章,其它二份未签章。

  3. 提单唛头不按明细单要求格式而擅自变形、变行。

  4. 明细单上注明的目的港提单没有标出,只有卸货港,造成与信用证不符。

  5. 提单的包装件数有时没有总计,特别是集装箱运输。

  6. 提单签发人没有明确表明自己的身份,若是由代理签发,要明确表明自己是谁的代理,谁是承运人。

  7. 有时漏鉴“on board”。

  8. 货名描述遗漏多,主要是对产品不熟,拼写马虎。

  9. 发货人、通知人、提单抬头也出现拼写错误。

  10. 提单上有的栏目,不谙其意照搬明细单用词,如明细单表明,提单上要注 信用证 号码,缮制提单时,照样打上“L/C NO”而不表明具体号码。

The errors in the current bill of lading are shown in the following aspects:

1. One set of Bill of lading (in triplicate) with three date of issue.

2. One set of Bills of lading has only one signed, the other two unsigned.

3. The marks of the bill of lading shall be deformed or changed without authorization if they are not in the form required by the detailed list.

4. The port of destination indicated on the detailed list is not marked, only the port of discharge, which is inconsistent with the L/C.

5. The number of packages on bill of lading sometimes does not add up, especially for container transport.

6. The person issuing the bill of lading does not clearly identify himself or herself. If it is issued by an agent, he or she should clearly indicate who is the agent and who is the carrier.

7. Sometimes you're on board.

8. There are many omissions in the description of the goods, mainly due to their unfamiliarity with the products and sloppy spelling.

9. Shipper, notifier, name of bill of lading also misspelled.

10. Some columns on the bill of lading do not know how to copy the wording of the bill of lading. If the bill of lading indicates that the letter of credit number should be marked on the bill of lading, when the bill of lading is prepared, it should be marked with "L/C NO" in the same way without indicating the specific number.

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