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发布时间:2020-09-03 10:12:37



海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading)

  提单是承运人或其代理人收到货物后,签发给托运人的一种单证。提单是承运人或其代理人签发的货物收据,是货物所有权的凭证,是运输契约或其证明。The Ocean Bill of Lading is the right thing to do

Bill of lading is a document issued to the shipper after the carrier or his agent receives the goods. A bill of lading is a receipt for the goods issued by the carrier or his agent, a document of title to the goods, a contract of carriage or its proof.

  海运单(Sea Waybill)

  海运单的形式与作用同海运提单相似,其主要特点在于收货人已明确指定。收货人并不需要提交正本单据,而仅需证明自己是海运单载明的收货人即可提取货物。因此,海运单实质上是不可以转让的,它的应用范围比较窄,主要用于跨国公司成员之间的货物运输。Sea Waybill

A bill of lading is similar in form and function to an ocean bill of lading in that the consignee has been clearly designated. The consignee does not need to present the original documents, but only needs to prove that he is the consignee specified in the sea waybill to collect the goods. As a result, sea waybills are essentially non-transferable and have a narrower application, mainly for the transport of goods between members of transnational corporations.

  铁路运单(Railway Bill)

  由铁路运输承运人签发的货运单据。它是收、发货人同铁路之间的运输契约。其正本在签发后与货物同行,副本签发给托运人用于贸易双方结算货款。在货物发生损失时,还可以用于向铁路进行索赔。铁路运单不是物权凭证。Railway Bill

A shipping document issued by a railway carrier. It is the contract of carriage between the consignee and consignor and the railway. The original shall be issued along with the goods and a copy shall be issued to the shipper for settlement of the payment between the trading parties. In case of loss of goods, it can also be used to claim against the railway. The railway waybill is not a document of title.

  空运单(Air Waybill)

  由空运承运人或其代理人签发的货运单据。它是承运人收到货物的收据,也是托运人同承运人之间的运输契约,但不具有物权凭证的性质,因此空运单也是不可以转让的。Air Waybill

A shipping document issued by an air carrier or his agent. It is the receipt of goods received by the carrier, and also the contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier, but it does not have the nature of title to title, so the air waybill is not transferable.

  装船通知(Shipping Advice)

  货物离开起运地后,由出口商发送给进口商通知后者一定数量的货物已经起运的通知文件。在FOB或CFR条件下,进口商需要根据装船通知来为进口货物办理保险,因此一般要求出口商在货物离开起运地后两个工作日内向进口商发出装船通知。Shipping Advice

A document sent by the exporter to the importer after the goods have left the place of origin informing the latter that a certain quantity of the goods has been shipped. Under FOB or CFR terms, the importer needs to insure the imported goods according to the shipping advice, so generally the exporter is required to give the shipping advice to the importer within two working days after the goods leave the place of shipment.

  提货单(Delivery Order)


Delivery Order

Upon arrival of the goods at the destination, the importer (consignee) shall present the transport documents such as ocean bill of lading to the carrier's agent for taking delivery of the goods, which shall be used to handle the formalities of import declaration and taking delivery of the goods.

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