当前位置: 首页 产地证阿根廷驻华使馆认证


发布时间:2020-11-18 12:22:58

阿根廷驻华使馆认证一般需要10个工作日摆布,差别范例质料收费差别样,使馆费根据美金计较。The certification of Argentine Embassy in China generally takes 10 working days to arrange, different sample materials charge different samples, the embassy fee is calculated according to the US dollar.

1、需西文译文。 2、苏、浙、沪、皖区域出具的尺简送驻上海总领馆认证。 3、闽、粤、琼、桂区域出具的尺简送驻广州总领馆认证。 4、公证书须有公证员亲笔署名。 5、未刑、未婚公证书有用期为3个月。 6、由其余国度或区域转口至阿的货品,其产地证需附两张发票。 7、民事类文件请求阿驻华使馆认证须供应请求人身份证正背面(今年年4月23日更新)复印件。如跨领区解决阿驻华使馆认证还需另供应请求人户口本本人页复印件及在使馆领区所属省市的栖身证明。 8、原产地证自中国相关部分认证起有用期为6个月,尺简应由关联部分干脆出具,或以公证书、商业证明书模式出具,并翻译成西班牙语或英语,不接管制造商或出口商干脆出具的证明。1. Western translation is needed. 2. The ruler issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces should be sent to the Consulate General in Shanghai for authentication. 3. The ruler issued by Fujian, Guangdong, Qiong and Guangxi regions shall be sent to the Consulate General in Guangzhou for authentication. 4. The notarial certificate must be signed by the notary in person. 5. Unpunished and unmarried notarial certificate is valid for 3 months. 6. Two invoices shall be attached to the certificate of origin for goods transshipped to Albania from other countries or regions. 7. For civil documents, please ask the Afghan Embassy in China to certify that the front and back of the identity card of the requestor (updated on April 23, this year) must be supplied. If the authentication of the Afghan Embassy is solved across the consular area, a copy of the applicant's household registration page and the residence certificate of the province or city in the consular area should also be provided. 8. Certificate of origin shall be valid for 6 months from the date of the relevant part certification in China. The length of the certificate shall be simply issued by the relevant part, or issued in the form of notarial certificate or business certificate, and be translated into Spanish or English.

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