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发布时间:2020-09-02 15:22:33




There are numerous and complicated problems in the international sale of goods, especially the contract for the sale of goods. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, the following legal problems should be paid attention to in the process of concluding the contract for the international sale of goods:



There are numerous and complicated problems in the international sale of goods, especially the contract for the sale of goods. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, the following legal problems should be paid attention to in the process of concluding the contract for the international sale of goods:

  二、 签约方名称要准确,签约日期地点要写明

  在合同的订立过程中,合同的首部签约双方的名称第一次出现时应当写全称,并且应当与商业登记文件上的企业名称以及在合同上所加盖的公司印章的内容一致,以免引起争议。如果合同采用代表人签字生效的方式,那么准确写明签约方名称就更重要了,最好同时将签约方的营业登记文件的复印件经盖章确认后作为合同的附件。此外,在合同中一定要注意写明签约日期与地点,这些内容对国际货物买卖合同的法律适用、诉讼管辖等有很大的影响,尤其是在合同中未明确约定适用的法律和管辖地点的情况下,更是有着至关重要的影响。The name of the contracting party should be accurate, and the date and place of signing should be stated clearly

During the conclusion of the contract, the names of both parties at the beginning of the contract shall be written in full when they first appear, and shall be consistent with the enterprise names on the business registration documents and the contents of the company seals affixed to the contract, so as not to cause disputes. If the contract comes into effect with the signature of the representative, it is more important to specify the name of the party, and it is better to attach the copy of the business registration document of the party to the contract after it has been sealed and confirmed. In addition, it is necessary to specify the signing date and place in the contract. These contents have a great impact on the legal application and litigation jurisdiction of the contract for international sale of goods, especially in the case that the applicable law and jurisdiction are not clearly stipulated in the contract, which is of vital importance.

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