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发布时间:2020-10-13 16:45:31















What advice do you have for Chinese citizens preparing to go abroad?

A: The Consular Department of the Foreign Ministry has the following Suggestions for Chinese citizens going abroad:

(1) Know the country of destination. Collect as much information as possible about the local conditions and customs, climate, public security, AIDS, epidemic diseases, laws and regulations of the destination country, and take relevant preventive measures.

(2) Check the contact information of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad as well as relevant travel reminders, warnings and other overseas security information. If the destination country has no diplomatic relations with China, you can get the addresses and telephone Numbers of the Chinese embassies and consulates in neighboring countries, so as to get help nearby.

(3) To check the validity of the passport (the remaining validity period should be more than one year in general), so as not to affect the application for visa due to the insufficient validity of the passport, or to affect the itinerary due to the expiration of the passport while abroad.

(4) The visa for the country of destination shall be completed. Make sure that you have obtained an entry visa for the destination country and a transit visa for the stopover country. The type of visa is consistent with the purpose of going abroad, and the validity and duration of the visa are consistent with the travel plan. However, it should be noted that, according to international practice, even if a country has obtained a visa, that country has the right to refuse the person's entry without giving reasons.

(5) Check machine (car, boat) tickets. Carefully check the boarding (bus, boat) time, place and connecting ticket on the ticket surface to see if they are correct.

(6) to purchase necessary personal safety insurance and medical insurance. Foreign strange environment exists some safety hidden danger, and foreign medicine and other costs are generally higher, it is recommended to choose the right kind of risk, just in case.

(7) To carry out necessary inoculation and carry along with them the certificate of inoculation (commonly known as "Yellow Book"). If possible, you'd better have a thorough physical examination.

(8) Strictly prohibit the entry and exit of drugs, internationally prohibited articles, protected animal and plant products and other articles prohibited by the sending countries.

(9) Choose carefully to carry personal medicines. Many countries have strict regulations on the entry of medicines. In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, we should know the customs regulations of relevant countries before going abroad and select the type and quantity of medicines to be carried within the allowed scope. If it is necessary to carry certain medicines for the treatment of your own disease, you should ask your doctor for a prescription, and prepare the instructions in foreign language and the invoice for the purchase of medicines.

(10) Pay attention to the entry restrictions imposed by the customs of the destination country on food, animal and plant products, foreign exchange, etc. If you carry large amounts of cash, you must declare it to the Customs in accordance with regulations. Never carry luggage or belongings for strangers.

Keep in touch with family and friends. Before going abroad, you should leave a travel schedule for your family or friends and agree on good contact information. It is suggested that the addresses and telephone Numbers of family or friends should be written in detail on the passport, so that the relevant authorities can contact them timely in case of emergency. Your passport, visa, and ID card should be photocopied. Leave one at home, one with you, and prepare several passport photos for emergencies.

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