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发布时间:2020-11-13 15:38:50

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Kuwaiti embassy certification processing cycle generally takes more than 2 weeks, the language of documents required English can be, different document types of consular fees are different. Here are general requirements: invoice must certificate of origin and certificate of origin and white (o need fill in, machine, handwritten) certification, certificate of origin must be blue and white together with certificate of origin certification, record of formal schooling should be to deal with the entity notarization, fujian, guangdong, hainan, guangxi paperwork to send in guangzhou consulate general of the certification, issued by the Hong Kong issue the documents to send consulate in Hong Kong, remark: please refer to our consulate latest request!

科威特介绍:科威特国(英语:The State of Kuwait),是一个位于西亚地区阿拉伯半岛东北部、波斯湾西北部的君主立宪国。在南部与沙特阿拉伯、北部与伊拉克分别接壤。同伊朗隔海相望,该国首都科威特城与该国名称同名。科威特石油和天然气资源储量丰富,已探明石油储量940亿桶,约为世界总储量的10%,居全球第四位,因此石油、天然气工业为国民经济的支柱,其产值占国内生产总值的45%。科威特的气候不利于农业,几乎全部农产品都需进口。该国开始发展多种经济,减轻对石油的依赖程度。

The State of Kuwait is a constitutional monarchy located in The northeast of The Arabian Peninsula in West Asia and The northwest of The Persian Gulf. It borders Saudi Arabia to the south and Iraq to the north. Across the sea from Iran, its capital, Kuwait City, bears the country's name. Kuwait is rich in oil and natural gas reserves, with the proved oil reserves of 94 billion barrels, about 10% of the world's total reserves, ranking the fourth in the world. Therefore, the oil and natural gas industry is the pillar of the national economy, and its output value accounts for 45% of the GDP. The climate in Kuwait is not conducive to agriculture and imports almost all its agricultural products. The country began to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil.


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