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发布时间:2020-11-17 09:53:49


1、一般环境下,使馆不认证双内容的公证书。 2、解决签证的无犯法证明只需解决交际部单认证。 3、粤、闽、贵、琼、湘、桂出具的尺简送驻广州总领馆认证。 4、苏、浙、沪、皖、鲁出具的尺简送驻上海总领馆认证。 5、未刑3个月有用。

It usually takes 10 days to certify the Brazilian embassy in China.

1. Under normal circumstances, the embassy does not certify two-content notarial certificates. 2. To solve the proof of visa exemption, only need to solve the communication department single certification. 3. The ruler issued by Guangdong, Fujian, GUI, Qiong, Xiang and GUI should be sent to the Consulate General in Guangzhou for authentication. 4. The ruler issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui and Lu should be sent to the Consulate General in Shanghai for authentication. 5, not three months useful


1、需西文译文。 2、需1份复印件。 3、巴拿马籍门生借鉴类尺简使馆认证不收费。 4、不认证多内容公证书。 5、全部公证尺简须解决双认证,并由交际部代送解决使馆认证。 6、苏、浙、沪、皖、赣、鄂出具的公证尺简可奉上海总领馆认证。

It usually takes more than 20 working days for panama embassy certification in China.

1. Western translation is needed. 2. One copy is required. 3. There is no charge for Panamanian students to use the embassy certification as reference. 4. Non-certification of multi-content notarial certificate. 5. All notary feet shall be certified by both sides, and the communication Department shall send them to the embassy for verification. 6. The notarial slips issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei can be authenticated by the Consulate General of Shanghai.


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