当前位置: 首页 出口商注册表菲律宾大使馆认证(签证)


发布时间:2020-11-17 09:58:54



With the increase of domestic efforts to build an open economy, China's integration into the world economy has been deepened, and domestic enterprises have taken more and more rapid measures to "go out", many domestic enterprises have invested in the offshore companies registered in Hong Kong for commercial convenience and actively conducted foreign trade with domestic enterprises. In the environment of business process, at the request of the international exporters, exporters often need to Hong Kong's main body (including natural person, legal person and its economic structure) of associated business 'Jane, documents issued at entrance countries embassies and consulates in China certification, the Turkish registry this class file is often solve one of the material, that this kind of material certification should how to solve?

香港主体企业解决出口商注册表(EXPORTER REGISTRY FORM)的土耳其驻华使馆认证,有2种方法,1,干脆在香港商会+香港土耳其使馆解决即可,就两个步调,解决出证时间较迅速,一般5-7天摆布。价格相对廉价,不过需要供应的质料相对多,对文件请求相对高。2,香港总商认证好,拿回内陆解决土耳其使馆认证,需要四个步调,香港总商认证+内陆贸促会认证+交际部认证+土耳其使馆认证,需要提交的材料相对少,对文件请求不高,不过时间相对慢,一般需要20-30天,价格相对高,因为步调比香港多。

There are two ways of EXPORTER REGISTRY FORM in Hong Kong. 1, you can do it either at the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce or the Turkish Embassy of Hong Kong. It takes two steps, and the time for settlement of certificates is quicker, usually 5-7 days. The price is relatively cheap, but need to supply the material is relatively more, the request to the document is relatively high. 2, better Hong Kong business certification, take back the inland solve the Turkish embassy certification, need four pace, total business certification Hong Kong + inland ccpit certification certification + + communication department Turkish embassy certification, materials required relatively little, to file a request is not high, but time is relatively slow, generally need 20-30 days, the price is relatively high, because the pace is more than Hong Kong.


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