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发布时间:2020-11-24 15:04:40

最近有一批衣服要出口到土耳其,但是我的客户要求我做“EXPORTER - PRODUCER ınformatıon FORM”(出口商生产商信息表)看了客户给我的格式,并不是以前做的土耳其出口商登记表,因为土耳其出口商登记表只有一页,然而这个由5页组成,客户发来的样本,不知道哪位大神知道这个怎么办理,需要什么资料格式怎么填写,那个大神有样本的?

A recent batch of clothes to export to Turkey, but my client asked me to do "EXPORTER - PRODUCER ı nformat ı on FORM" manufacturers information table (exporters) looked at the customer format to me, is not do Turkish EXPORTER registration FORM before, because of Turkey's exporters registration FORM is only one page, but this is composed of five pages, from the customer samples, don't know what a great god know how this is dealt with, need what data format how to fill in, the great god have samples?

回答内容:这个是最新的表格,其实办理要求和之前的老的一页表格是一样的,包括流程和时间。无非就是5页,你要把内容填好,打印出来盖章签字,然后在开始办理。我们这里有很多客人办理的。有不清楚的,可以问我们,样本我们这里也有。This is the latest form. In fact, the processing requirements are the same as the old one-page form before, including the process and time. Nothing more than 5 pages, you have to fill out the content, print it out, stamp it and sign it, and then start the process. We have a lot of guests here. If you don't know, ask us. We have samples here.


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