当前位置: 首页 提单,组织大纲Association土耳其大使馆认证


发布时间:2020-12-03 18:11:56


大 使 馆 认 证




1. Is the shipper of the bill of lading? Or the consignee?

According to the relevant legal provisions, the bill of lading is the normal right of goods belongs to the lawful holder of the bill of lading, so to see the type of bill of lading, can not be generalized;

According to normal practice, bill of lading is the proof of goods right, who has the bill of lading who has the right to goods. But the premise is that the original ocean bill of lading and other designated freight forwarders to you are not negotiable in terms of the shipping company.




2. What should we do if the customer requires to register?

This situation depends on whether the customer has received the full payment before shipment. If the full payment is received, the straight b/L can be signed. If the full payment is not received, it is ok not to sign the straight bill of lading, but it is better to explain to the customer that the bill of lading is the document of title, and the company stipulates that the straight bill of lading cannot be signed before the full payment is received. This is an industry that customers can understand.


  我们要明白,有时即使不放单也规避不了这个风险。那么我们接受的前提只有一个,那就是必须收齐全款。若实在是收不齐时,也可先签TO ORDER提单,但收齐后,要改为记名提单。提单上写:Consignee:TO ORDER;Notify party:SAME AS CONSIGNEE;这是合理的吗?

3. Some customers can only accept the consignee of bill of lading, so how can we avoid the risk?

We need to understand that sometimes even if not release the order can not avoid this risk. Then we accept the premise of only one, that is must receive full payment. If it is really impossible TO complete the bill of lading, you may sign the "TO ORDER" bill of lading, but after completion, the bill of lading will be changed TO a straight bill of lading. The bill of lading is written as: Consignee:TO ORDER; Notify party:SAME AS CONSIGNEE; Is that reasonable?


如果收货人是to order的话,那么一定要提供一个有具体联系方式的notify party,要是不这么做,船到港之后,有可能会由于无法通知到进口商或相关责任方,以致货物无法被提领,严重的还有可能被海关没收,那就更麻烦了。如果是要申报AMS/ACI的话,还有可能导致被对方国家海关处以巨额罚金的情况发生。

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