大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证-- 香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明
Summary of knowledge of foreign trade documents
1. Does the bank accept documents with a date of issue earlier than the date of issue of the Credit? If so, what are the prerequisites?
2、什么时候银行才认为,运输单据上所包括的“clean on board”的条件已经满足?
2. When will the bank consider that the conditions for a "clean on Board" included in the transport document have been met?
一是没有不清洁批注,二是,对于装船提单,无须装船批注;对于收妥待运提单,需装船批注。满足上述两个条件,即可认为,提单已经满足“clean on board”的条件。
One is that there is no unclean notation. The other is that there is no on-board notation for an on board bill of lading. Upon receipt of the bill of lading, an on board endorsement is required. If the above two conditions are met, the Bill of lading is considered to have met the conditions of "clean on Board".
3、before 15th April我公司提单签发日期4月15日,可否?
4、L/C规定装运期为after 15th April,2016 until 30th,April,2016,我实际提单日期为15th April 2016或30th April,2016是否可以?
首先,需要明确提单日期是否就是装船日期,对于收妥待运提单,是以装船批注日期作为装船日期,假如提单日期就是装船日期,那幺,根据UCP500第四十七条,提单日期为15th April 2016不可接受,提单日期为30th April 2016可接受。