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发布时间:2020-12-16 21:08:13


大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证--  香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明--@ 我




Foreign trade audit bill of lading points

1. The full set of original Bill of lading is marked with the number of copies. Is it presented in accordance with the terms of the credit?


Whether the full name of the CARRIER and the word "CARRIER" are stated on the front of the bill of lading to identify the CARRIER.

三、如提单正面已作如上表示,在承运人自己签署提单时,签署处毋须再打明承运人一词及其全名。举例:如提单正面已打明(或印明)承运人全名为XYZ LINE及“CARRIER”一词以示明其身份,在提单签署处(一般在提单的右下角)经由XYZ LINE及其负责人签章即可。如提单正面未作如(二)表示;且由运输行(FORWARDER)签署提单时,则在签署处必须打明签署人的身份。如:ABC FORWARDING CO as agents for XYZ LINE, the carrier或ABC FORWARDING Co on behalf of XYZ LINE the carrier。如提单正面已作如(二)表示,但由运输行(FORWARDER)签署提单时,则在签署处必须打明签署人的身份,如ABC FORWARDING CO as agents for the carrier或as agents for/on behalf of the carrier。

3. If the front of the bill of lading has been so indicated, the name of carrier and its full name need not be spelled out at the signing of the bill of lading by the carrier himself. For example, if the full name of the CARRIER is spelled out (or printed) on the front of the bill of lading as "CARRIER" and the words "XYZ LINE" and "CARRIER" are to be identified, the signature of the Bill of lading (usually in the lower right corner of the bill of lading) shall be duly signed by the XYZ LINE and its responsible person. If (2) is not indicated on the front of the bill of lading; When the bill of lading is signed by the transport bank, the identity of the signatory must be indicated at the signing place. ABC FORWARDING CO as agents for XYZ LINE, the carrier, or ABC FORWARDING CO on behavior of XYZ LINE the carrier. When the bill of lading is signed by the FORWARDER, the identity of the signatory must be written, such as ABC FORWARDING CO as agents for the carrier or as agents for/on behind the carrier.

四、提单有印就“已装船”(“Shipped in apparent good order and condition on board…”)字样的,毋须加“装船批注”(“On board notation”);也有印就“收妥待运”(“Received in apparent good order and condition for shipment…”)字样的则必须再加“装船批注”并加上装船日期。

五、提单印有“intended vessel”、“intended port of loading”、“intended port of discharge”及/或其他“intended…”等不肯定的描述字样者,则必须加注“装船批注”,其中须把实际装货的船名,装货港口,卸货港口等项目打明,即使和预期(intended)的船名和装卸港口并无变动,也需重复打出。

六、单式海运即港对港(装货港到卸货港)运输方式下,只须在装货港(Port of Loading),海轮名(Ocean vessel),及卸货港(Port of Discharge)三栏内正确填写;如在中途转船(Transhipment),转船港(Port of tcano hipment)的港名,不能打在卸货港(Port of discharge)栏内。需要时,只可在提单的货物栏空间打明“在××(转船港)转船”“with transhipment at××”。

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