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发布时间:2020-12-16 21:17:57


大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证--  香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明--@ 我


提单(Bill of Landing,B/L)

Bill of Landing,B/L

它是由船长或船公司或其代理人签发的、证明已收到特定货物,允诺将货物运至特定目的地, 并交付给收货人的凭证。

It is a certificate issued by the master or the shipping company or its agent certifying the receipt of a particular cargo and promising to deliver it to the consignee at a particular destination.

提单是代表货物所有权的凭证, 因而也是卖方提供的各项单据中最重要的一种, 所以在制作提单时须注意提单的各项内容(如提单的种类、收货人、货物的名称和件数、 目的港、有关收取运费的记载、提单的份数等)一定要与信用证相符。

Bill of lading is the certificate of title to goods, and hence the seller provided all documents in one of the most important, so must pay attention to when making the bill of lading bill of lading of each content (such as the types of bills of lading, and quantity of the goods and the name of the consignee, the port of destination, the freight charges on the record, the number of copies of the bill of lading, etc.) must be consistent with the l/c.

在我国出口业务中、国外来证通常要求提供"全套清洁已装船作成凭指示和空白背书的提单"。 对此要求,当货物装船时应十分注意,如果大副收据上有"货物受损"或"包装不良"等批注, 凭此换取的提单中,也将均有同样的批注,即成为"不清洁提单",而银行一般都不接受"不清洁提单"。

In our export business, a foreign certificate usually requires "a full set of clean on board bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed". In this regard, great care should be taken when loading the goods. If the first mate's receipt has a notation of "damaged goods" or "defective packing", the bill of lading exchanged for this will also have the same notation, that is, "unclean Bill of lading", and banks generally do not accept "unclean Bill of lading".

提单一般是一式两份,在托运人要求下,也可签发三份或更多份。份正本提单具有相同效力,但是只要凭其中一份提了货, 其余各份即失效。需要注意的是,倒签提单和预借单中是托运人和承运人串通弄虚作假的行为, 一旦暴露,后果严重。我国出口贸易中应避免这些做法。


Bill of lading is usually issued in duplicate and may be issued in three or more copies upon shipper's request. The original bill of lading is equally authentic, but as long as the goods are picked up in one of the originals, the others will become invalid. It should be noted that the reverse signed bill of lading and advance loan documents are fraudulent behavior of shipper and carrier colluding, once exposed, the consequences will be serious. We should avoid these practices in our export trade.

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