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商业发票(Commercial Invoice伊拉克使馆认证

发布时间:2020-12-16 21:31:34

商业发票(Commercial Invoice伊拉克使馆认证

大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证--  香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明--@ 我


商业发票(Commercial Invoice)

简称发票。它是出口企业开立的凭此向买方收款的发货价目清单,是供买卖双方凭此发货、 收货、记帐、收付货款和报关纳税的依据。

Invoice for short. It is a list of the delivery prices issued by an export enterprise to the buyer for payment, and it is the basis for the seller and the buyer to make the delivery, receive the goods, keep the account, collect and pay the goods price, declare the customs and pay taxes.

发票并无统一格式,但其内容大致相同, 主要包括:发票编号、开立日期、有关出口合同号码、信用证号码、收货人名称地址、 运输标志以及商品的名称、规格、数量、包装方法、单价、总值和装运地、目的地等。 发票内容必须符合买卖合同规定,在采用信用证付款方式时,则应与信用证的规定严格相符, 绝不能有丝毫差异。另外,发票必须有发货人的正式签字方为有效。

There is no uniform invoice format, but the content of the invoice is roughly the same, mainly including: invoice number, issuing date, relevant export contract number, letter of credit number, consignee's name and address, transport mark and name of commodity, specification, quantity, packing method, unit price, total value, place of shipment and destination, etc. The content of the invoice must conform to the provisions of the sales contract. When the payment method of l/C is adopted, it should strictly comply with the provisions of the L/C, and there must be no slightest difference. In addition, the invoice must have the shipper's official signature to be valid.

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