大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证-- 香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明--@ 我
产地证明书(Certificate of Origin)
它是一种证明货物原产地或制造地的证件, 主要用途是提供给进口国海关凭此确定货物的生产国别, 从而核定进口货物应征收的税率,有的国家限制从某些国家或地区进口货物, 也要求以产地证明书来证明货物的来源。产地证明书一般由出口地公证行或工商团体签发。
It is a kind of certificate to prove the origin or manufacturing place of goods. Its main purpose is to provide the importing country customs with this to determine the country of production of goods, so as to verify the tax rate that should be levied on imported goods. Some countries restrict the import of goods from some countries or regions, and also require the origin certificate to prove the origin of goods. The certificate of origin is usually issued by a notary office or a trade and industry organization in the place of export.
In our country, it is issued by the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau or the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.