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发布时间:2020-12-18 16:21:16


深圳市金柏昇贸易有限公司 签:驻华大使馆认证/驻华领事馆认证/香港商会认证/香港海牙认证/香港中检认证/香港转口证书/贸促会商会认证/原产地证等等!


商检证书是由我国商品检验机构(中国进出口商品检验局)出具的商品检验证明书。它属于一种由“非当事人” 按照申请人的委托,对某项商品进行检验以后,所作出的公证鉴定和证明。在我国,进出口商品统一由国家商品 检验机构进行检验,并负责出具各种检验证书。

The Commodity Inspection Certificate is a commodity inspection certificate issued by the Commodity inspection Authority of our country (China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau). It belongs to a kind of notarization appraisal and certification made by the "non-party" after the inspection of a certain commodity according to the entrustment of the applicant. In Our country, the import and export commodities are inspected by the national commodity inspection institutions and are responsible for issuing various inspection certificates.

       检验证书的主要作用在于:其一,它是出口人凭以交单结汇和银行凭以议付或付款的结汇单据之一。当信用证要 求提供检验证书时,出口人必须按规定交付各种证书,而不能以别的单据来顶替。证内所列的内容如果与信用证 的规定不符,银行将拒绝议付或付款。其二,它是证明卖方交货的品质、数(重)量,包装的安全以及卫生条件 等是否符合合同规定的依据。如果证书所列的内容与合同不符,进口人有权据以拒付货款、拒收货物甚至提出索赔。

The main functions of inspection certificate are as follows: first, it is one of the settlement documents presented by the exporter and presented by the bank for negotiation or payment. When an inspection certificate is requested in a letter of credit, the exporter must deliver the required certificates instead of any other document. If the contents of this credit do not conform to the stipulations of this credit, the bank will refuse negotiation or payment. Secondly, it is the basis to prove whether the quality, quantity (weight) of the goods delivered by the seller and the safety and sanitary conditions of the packing conform to the stipulations of the contract. If the contents listed in the certificate are not in conformity with the contract, the importer is entitled to refuse payment, refuse to accept the goods or even lodge claims against the importer.

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